Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Scared for life

I'm fortunate I've kept my boyish good looks


Anonymous said...

Killer cheekbones.

Do you really mean 'scared' for life ?

Milky said...

It's a play on my newly acquired work nickname of The Milky Scar Kid. The cheekbones are due wholely to my parents, my mother is a hamster and my father is a hippo, gawd bless 'em!

Wild Mood Swings said...

ouch bloody hell that's a huge scar fella glad you are on the way up.


Milky said...

One does attempt to create a certain type of finesse when indulging in permanent body adornments. Although it would appear that it's more skin headed nutters that dig scars rather than 'chicks'

I'm still trying to work out if this is a good or bad thing...

Anonymous said...

Got you into Oceana with 'nuff rispect from the bouncers. What more do you want ?


Bloo said...

Sod the scar, I'd be more worried about the smile.

Hx said...

v scary !

Anonymous said...

I'd rather be scarred for life than scared for life.

You know what's missing? Some bolts coming out each side of your neck. That would be cool.

