Tuesday, February 08, 2005

I know where everything is...

..it can just take a while to find things on occasions.

This is the closest I have to a bedside table. Uhm, where to start.

Have I created a game?

Amidst the mayhem is an elastic band ball, cheque book, numerous CD's, aftershave, get well cards, a shower cap, a picture of John Lennon, stamps, a v.old stereo and a hands free kit for a phone I don't own.

You all have Hx to blame.. she started it. (the photo's, not the mess!)


Anonymous said...

That photo gives me an interesting insight into how your mind works. Lilac or Orchid ward sir ?


Milky said...

It was a gift from Andy to protect my cut whilst I washed for the first few days after getting my head fixed.

Although, it didn't really work because the protective collar round my neck filled up when I went in the shower :(

Milky said...

ps May I opt for Lilac Ward please, as they have custard on Wednesdays and I prefer their pyjamas

Hx said...

You may be untidy in life, but you have a tidy mind. You tend to put others before yourself and are mortified when a fuss is made over you, but they can?t help it. You are sentimental and tend to keep things that others give you or that remind you of others. You can be meticulous with activities you undertake sometime obsessive. You enjoy your solitude as much as you enjoy being with others. Words that describe you: Sensitive, enthusiastic, youthful, spontaneous, calculated.

Bloo said...

All that from a shower cap. Blimey!