Tuesday, February 07, 2006


It gripes when you spend two hours sorting out an entry, and go to the trouble of spell checking it. Then opt to move all the text into a word document so that it can be spell checked in an English dictionary rather than a Yankie doodle dictionary which appears to remove every u and s to leave them out or replace them with an extra o or a z. To then find that when the whole thing is placed back in blogger the links to the pictures have all been spirited away.

/ sigh /

Patience, a virtue I am beginning to wish I had more of.


Wild Mood Swings said...
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Wild Mood Swings said...
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Wild Mood Swings said...

We have all been there , we all live and learn , like how I always seem to make spelling mistakes and end up having to delete them from people's blog comments.

Milky said...

Nice touch Grrr :-)