Tuesday, May 10, 2005

All in good time

Ever start something you couldn't finish?

There is an impending entry that has been a real (unrepeatable) to write.

It's a work of fiction, quite topical and if it all works out (and I manage not to head butt the monitor anymore) should tickle you.

Be patient, good things comes to those who feel that money doesn't buy a bird worth two many chefs spoil light work and not heard.

A Quick Note

Surely the Gov. has better things to spend our hard earned money on...

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than personalised plates for buses!!

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The crowning glory would have been if this l'il guy was the driver...

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Hx said...

I saw a number plate this morning on a Jag saying A56 NOB . . . . made me laugh !

Hx said...

How long is "all in good time"? Are we there yet?