Saturday, April 16, 2005

Superhero anyone?

I'm big, I'm courageous, I'm Russian, I'm dead? :-/


Hx said...

"ow our hero" said in a Penelope Pitstop type voice!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but he's no wolverine...

Hx said...

ahhhhh but only Hugh Jackman can be MY Wolverine

Anonymous said...

True, true. Would be a little hard to picture Wolverine as a skin head...

Wild Mood Swings said...

But your a lady Hx and he does not like lady friend's

Hx said...

But I'd make him change his mind . . . have you seen my puppies in the black cat outfit ?

Anonymous said...

Hang on - is Hugh Jackman gay?

Hx said...

don't go there !

Wild Mood Swings said...

Hit a nerve there D-Man , she is in denial

Anonymous said...

Collusus looks like he's wrapped in foil!! :-)

Milky said...

It's cold organic steel, not silver foil, damn you!!

Hx, you'll be both pleased to hear Hugh and Wolfie aren't boy friendly in that way. Hugh is married and has a young child, possibly meaning he's getting worn down with married life and looking for a "lass with puppies" (as you so pleasantly put it).

Hx said...

Thank you gorgeous, stan eat sh*t & die *stickin tongue out*

Wild Mood Swings said...

is married and has a young child

That account's for nothing so was the king of england and he was married to the fishbone sucking , piss smelling lady.

However it is well documented that he preferred the company of ' gentlemen ' of the court.

It's a result of the wretched hag's outrageous action's that we now have old jug ears as our next in line.

Wild Mood Swings said...

Nothing I like his acting

Bloo said...

So by that logic Stan, all married men with young children are gay!!!!

Anonymous said...
